Welder soldering a pipe on the ground.

“A man who worked as a plumber’s helper in construction was assigned to melt lead to be used to solder pipe joints. He would fill up his crucible with cold lead; then heat it over a gas flame. As the lead heated, impurities began to come up to the surface, where the worker would skim them off. As more heat was applied, more impurities were released and eliminated in the dross. It was not pure enough to pour and use until the plumber could see his face reflected from the surface of the molten metal.”


God sometimes allows us to be tested by the flame of the Holy Spirit so that the impurities, the sin, in our lives can be identified and removed. His ultimate purpose is to make us progressively more and more like the Lord Jesus Christ, until He sees the image of His Son formed in us.


1 Peter 1:7 says, “so that the tested genuineness of your faith—more precious than gold thatperishes though it is tested by fire—may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at

the revelation of Jesus Christ.”


Wouldn’t you like to come through the refiner’s fire as gold? And even more than gold?


The trial of your faith, through the fire, can come out even more than gold.