I wanted to share a poem that one of our Good News Club ® Coordinators wrote and sent to us after she was inspired by the Holy Spirit to do so following a training course that we were conducting that she attended. My prayer is that it speaks to your hearts the way it did ours…

2 Corinthians 2:15~“For we are the aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing.”



So many today have learned of a cure, for so many ailments we’ve had to endure.

Essential oils is the name of the game, and that’s all we’ve heard of since they came.

There’s one for your cough, and one for sleeping; one for your mood to help with your weeping;

You can find one for whatever is ailing; it will help your problem, without failing.

Just rub a dab upon your skin, and it will go where it needs, within

To give your life a little lift, and ease the problem that gives you fits.

Or use a “diffuser” which spreads it far, throughout your home or in your car—

By breathing in the air it fills, then working to correct your ills.

As I was pondering on this thought, a picture to my mind was brought—

I yearn to be one who spreads God’s oil, to those Satan’s lies have foiled.

They need to hear of His Good News, which will surely improve their mood!

A sweet aroma will fill the air when they learn His love is there.

No matter the mess they’ve gotten in, He’ll forgive their every sin.

He’ll clean them up and turn them around because of the Good News they found.

So, let my life diffuse your love, and fill the air with Heaven’s Dove

That others can breathe in and know the healing of their very soul.

Lord, cure them of their sinful state; cleanse their heart of evil’s hate.

Lift their lives to live for you, when in faith they reach to you.

You have sent us to the lost; many souls who are sin-tossed.

Use this weak, forgiven soul to spread Your Word so they will know.

~Beverly O. Carr