Weekend mode. That’s what our boys call from Friday afternoon to Sunday evening.
1249 Madison Avenue
Huntington, WV 25704
Weekend mode. That’s what our boys call from Friday afternoon to Sunday evening.
Child Evangelism Fellowship’s ministry calendar runs from September 1-August 31. This way all of the statistics for the school year and summer ministries can be totaled together. For this past CEF Ministry year, September 1, 2018-August 31, 2019, the CEF of Greater Huntington Chapter reached 4,623 children and 293 of those children made first-time decisions for Christ and 79 previously unchurched children were established in local Bible believing churches!!! What a blessing!
CEF of Greater Huntington is privileged to serve Good News Clubs® in Cabell, Lincoln, Logan, Mason, Mingo, Putnam, and Wayne counties in West Virginia, Boyd County in Kentucky, and Lawrence County in Ohio. In 2018 we trained and supported Good News Clubs® that were served by 624 local Tri-State church volunteers who reached 2,763 local children. Over the past 5 years we have seen 1,399 students profess faith in Jesus Christ alone as their Savior and 508 students established in a local church. God is blessing this important work.
This is a testimony from one of our Good News Clubs® from this past school year…
This entry is meant to last as a memorial for my loving Brother in Christ, friend, and ministry partner Mike Jarrett. You truly were one of the greatest men and best friends I ever had in my life! You are GREATLY missed and can never be replaced, but don’t worry my friend, I will continue PROCLAIMING the GOSPEL to the kids until we are joined together again in Heaven! I sing “HALLELUJAH” for your eternal reward! Give our LORD JESUS a MILLION kisses for me until I can do it myself!!! Thanks for loving me and always having my back!
Here’s a testimony from one of our Good News Club Coordinators that she shared recently:
“There have been so many children that stand out in my mind over the years, but the Lord brought this to my mind recently.
An Affirmation from John Killinger:
I believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God, who was born of the promise to a virgin named Mary. I believe in the love Mary gave her son, that caused her to follow Him in His ministry and stand by His cross as He died.
In “Like the Flowing River” by Paulo Coelho, there is a story called the Parable of the Pencil. Below is the gist of the story.
“In like a lion, out like a lamb” or “In like a lamb, out like a lion” is traditionally what we think of in March. It got me thinking about THE LAMB.
A message I recently heard pointed out that God loves us so much that when a man sinned, he could take a lamb to the area priest and the man was never examined for what he had done. The priest would examine the lamb and if the lamb was perfect, then the man was off the hook. If the lamb was not perfect, then the man had a problem. The man was never held accountable, the lamb was.
The Greater Huntington Chapter of Child Evangelism Fellowship consists of 9 total counties: Cabell, Lincoln, Logan, Mason, Mingo, Putnam and Wayne in West Virginia, along with Boyd in Kentucky and Lawrence in Ohio. We have ministries established in 8 out of those 9 counties. The only county that we do not have a ministry established in is Mingo County. In fact, we don’t even have one solid contact in Mingo County.
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