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1249 Madison Avenue

Huntington, WV 25704


Of West Virginia Inc.

Greater Huntington Chapter

February 2019

    The Greater Huntington Chapter of Child Evangelism Fellowship consists of 9 total counties: Cabell, Lincoln, Logan, Mason, Mingo, Putnam and Wayne in West Virginia, along with Boyd in Kentucky and Lawrence in Ohio. We have ministries established in 8 out of those 9 counties. The only county that we do not have a ministry established in is Mingo County. In fact, we don’t even have one solid contact in Mingo County.

October 2018

In New Testament times, when rabbis chose disciples, they would go to the rabbinical schools and select the best of the best. One of the questions they would ask themselves was, “Could this man do greater things than me?”

September 2018

I wanted to share a poem that one of our Good News Club ® Coordinators wrote and sent to us after she was inspired by the Holy Spirit to do so following a training course that we were conducting that she attended. My prayer is that it speaks to your hearts the way it did ours…

August 2018

Henry Ford was an American genius and his Ford automobiles changed the course of history. But even a genius needs help from time to time. 

Ford, whose electrical engineers couldn't solve problems they were having with a gigantic generator, called Charles Steinmetz into the plant. Charles worked for General Electric and was a German genius whose work on alternating current changed the course of world history. 

July 2018

Patrick Henry is known for several things including being the first post-colonial governor of Virginia, one of the founding fathers of our great country, and his “Give me Liberty, or give me death!” speech. However, we appreciate him for quotes like this, “It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians, not on religions, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ!”

June 2018

This month I thought I’d share a few testimonies from the field. I hope and pray that they are as much of an encouragement to you as they were to me …

April 2018

Spring is officially here! A lot of great things come with each new spring: budding flowers and trees, warmer weather, baseball season and of course, Easter. For Christians, there should be no greater holiday celebration. We truly have something to celebrate … the resurrection of our Lord Jesus!

March 2018

We had another two more new After School Good News Clubs® start in the month of February. This brings our total to eight brand new clubs, have two more scheduled to begin this month, with two more still on schedule to begin by the end of the school year!!! We wanted to share another testimony of one of our clubs that the Coordinator shared with us recently….
